July 26, 2024


Crypto News and Signals

Best exchanges to use for trading crypto

1 min read
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Since the boom of crypto there have been a lot of new exchanges popping all over the internet (like mushrooms after rain).

Most of the people who have come to the crypto scene don’t remember MtGox, BTC-E, Cryptsy and many more exchanges that disappeared (hacked, taken over by police or just run with the customers money).

That is why if you want to invest in crypto, you need to choose carefully what exchange to pick for your trading.
We made a top 5 exchange list, so you don’t have to.


Binance so far are the best in the list. Low comission on trading, almost all the crypto and alt coins you can think about.




Easy to use. The fee and the price is a little bit worst then the rest, but its still a good exchange.



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